2 Innovative and Useful Custom HC-SR04 Mapping Systems for Mobile Robots

The HC-SR04 is a cheap ultrasonic sensor that allows you to make your own mapping system without a ton of coding experience. We also love the Arduino board. Connecting the HC-SR04 to an Arduino board, you can have your custom mapping system. This simple and useful mapping system can be attached to a mobile robot, so your robot would know exactly where it will go.

Coming up with fresh ideas for how to build a mapping system is tough. Whether you’re just need a place to start or just looking for inspiration, let’s take a look at two of the most innovative and incredibly useful HC-SR04 mapping systems for mobile robots.

Mapping Rover — The classic Rover 5 with improved 3D printed axis adaptors

The hobbyists sonar sensors are not very precise, a well-known detail by those who want to build an accurate mapping system. If you combine the low precision of sensors with a not very stable platform, the precision problems will begin to intensify. But all the problems can be fixed, and this project is a solution if you use a less stable platform to build a map.

This project is a mobile robot with mapping capabilities based on the Dagu Rover 5 platform. The designer uses ultrasonic sensors and an Arduino Mega to scan the surrounding area and build a map of a room with a resolution of 5 cm per pixel.

Arduino Radar Project

Three cheap hobbyist parts you need to build this Arduino radar. You need an Arduino board (in the tutorial is used an Arduino Mega, but you can also use the Arduino UNO), the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, and a servo motor. I would add here a fourth thing that you need to build a cheap Arduino radar, and this is the tutorial where you can find the source code for the radar.

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