25+ Fresh and Impressive DIY Robots


Sometimes it’s just amazing to see what some talented makers and hackers achieved in robotics using some basic components and parts. In fact, they deliver powerfully, innovative and functional DIY projects which are easy to replicate at home and nice to see in action.

Recently we’ve listed 10+ best ideas for cheap Arduino UNO projects and 10+ awesome Raspberry Pi 2 robots. Now we’ve selected 28 more fresh, clean and impressive DIY robots. Let’s take a look.

  2. MT-20: Functional 3D Printed Robot
  3. BB-8 Droid, 3D Printed & Remote Controlled
  4. Self balancing robot
  5. AVA
  6. Obstacle avoiding robot using arduino
  7. How to Make A Four-footed Bionic Walkingbot
  8. 3-fingered Arduino robot hand
  9. The Social Quadruped Manual Control
  10. The AT-AT Project
  11. Humanoid Robot Mimics Human
  12. How to build your own R2-D2 with the Raspberry Pi Zero
  13. Simple obstacle avoidance robot using arduino HCSR04
  14. Raspberry Pi robot
  15. Raspberry Pi Robot Arm with Computer Vision
  16. Homemade Robotic Arm Using Standard Parts Using Arduino and a Processing GUI
  17. Snow Spider Robot
  18. Raspberry Pi Lego EV3 Remote Control
  19. Pick and Place Mobile Robot by Raspberry Pi 2 Control by Android Application
  20. OpenCV Python Neural Network Autonomous RC Car
  21. Raspberry Pi RC Car Android Control And Web Java
  22. Arduino UNO with Tank Tracks
  23. Wall Dodging Arduino Robot
  24. Arduino Spider Quadruped Robot project
  25. Robot Arm H25 (modified)
  26. WiFi Mobile Robot with real-time Video (Clip1)
  27. arduino nano self balancing robot-3
  28. Autonomous robot avoiding obstacles
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