30 Under $100: 4WD Programmable Robot Kits for Hobbyists

One of the first steps to buying a new programmable robot kit is setting your budget, and the next step is to stay closer to that budget. With all of the options out there, staying in the $100 budget can be a little difficult.

A four-wheel drive robot is a mobile robot whose movement is based on four separately driven wheels placed on either side of the robot body. Whatever 4WD platform you are using and whatever controller you prefer, you’ll always find a number of kits you can use to prototype in minutes. Fortunately, with a budget of $100, there are tons of options for a 4WD platform to choose from.

How to make sure that you decide on the best platform to play with? Here you can choose from 30 hand-picked programmable mobile robot kits for beginners and advanced users alike.

1. 4 Wheel Smart Mobile Platform Robot Chassis, HJ-WIFI (Fiber Chassis, Arduino), eBay, US $21.50

2. 4wd 9v Smart Robot Car Chassis Kits with Strong Magneto Speed Encoder for Arduino 51, Amazon, US $46.99

3. DC 3V 5V 6V 4WD Robot Smart Car Chassis Kits car with Speed Encoder for Arduino, eBay, US $37.49

4. Four wheel drive robot car 4WD suspension type intelligent car platform of wheeled off-road performance is strong, DHGate, US $69.36 – 71.99

5. Actobotics Half-Pint Runt Rover Kit, Canada Robotix, ~US $29.38

6. Actobotics Whippersnapper Runt Rover Kit, Canada Robotix, ~US $28.39

7. 4WD Robot Chassis (KIT), Hobby King, US $13.15

8. Four Wheel-Drive Smart Robot Car Chassis for 4WD – Yellow + Black, DX, US $29.99

9. Cherokey 4WD Mobile Robot, Amazon, US $55.40 + $5.50 shipping

10. Baron-4WD Mobile Platform, Amazon, US $64.90 + $5.50 shipping

11. SainSmart Mega 2560 R3 4WD Mobile Car Robot Kit For Arduino, SainSmart, US $87.99

12. ROBOT ESQUIVA OBJETOS 3 HC-SR04 4WD rueda chasis robotics Para ARDUINO Raspberry, eBay, US $50.27

13. UNO R3 4WD smarter Car Speed Encoder L298N HC-SR04 Sensor Kit Robot for Arduino, eBay, US $59.88

14. 4WD Robot Smart Car Chassis Kit Arduino Uno + Driver L298N + HC-SR04. Robotics, eBay, US $57.53

15. 4WD Robot Smart Car Chassis Kits Car with Speed Encoder FOR Arduino DC 3v 5v 6V, eBay, US $24.01

16. SainSmart UNO R3 4WD Mobile Car Robot Kit For Arduino, SainSmart, US $76.99

17. Kingduino 4WD Ultrasonic Robot Kit, HobbyKing, US $62.46

18. Bluetooth Controlled Robot Car Kits for Arduino (Works with Official Arduino Boards), DX, US $84.84

19. Mr Basic Simple Robot Platform and Motor Controller, eBay, US $28.00

20. Makerfire 4WD Cross-country Type Smart Car Chassis Kits with DC Geared Motor Super Large Chassis, Amazon, US $95.00

21. Motor Smart Robot 4WD Car Chassis Kit Speed Encoder Battery Box For Arduino, eBay, US $25.79

22. Iron Man-1 4WD Indoor Chassis, RobotShop, US $80.00

23. MiniQ 4WD Cross Country, DFRobot, US $99.00

24. ALSRobotBase 4WD Aluminum Mobile Robot Platform, Amazon, US $71.90

25. Arduino 4Wd All-Metal Motor/Smart Car Chassis/Large Torque Robot – Maker BOOOLE, eBay, US $62.39

26. Aluminum 4WD Robot Chassis – Black (KIT), HobbyKing, US $45.22

27. 25 aluminum alloy tracking car driven 4WD smart robot metal tank car chassis for DIY with 4 motor, DHGate, US $93.77

28. 4WD Drive Aluminum Mobile Robot Platform for Robot Arduino UNO MEGA2560 R3 Duemilanove, Amazon, US $100.00

29. DG012-BV (Basic Version) 4WD Multi Chassis Kit With Four Rubber Wheels, HobbyKing, US $21.75

30. Multi Chassis-4WD Robot Kit (ATV version), Amazon, US $45.00 + $5.24 shipping

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