An Arduino robot controlled with an Android smartphone is, at best, boring. But what about adding two sensors for obstacle detection? Well, this time the robot has personality. Here’s how to build a remote controlled Arduino robot that never hit an obstacle.
Over at hackster, user Stan has posted the information to develop the robot, an Arduino sketch and the App Inventor 2 application.
The Android application has five main instructions: forward, reverse, turn left, turn right, and the instruction to stop the robot. When you press one button of the application, the smartphone sends a signal over the Bluetooth connection to the Arduino controller.
The robot has differential steering and two sensors located on both the front and back of the platform. The sensors have the role to protect the robot to hit an obstacle. If you drive the robot into the wall, with 10 centimeters before impact the robot will stop. The same action is valid even the robot is driven in reverse mode.
So, if you really like this robot with personality, check the instructions and build your own remote controlled robot with obstacle detection system.
See the robot in action