The 3D printing technology contributes to better and more personalize our robots. One of these robots is the Oddbot. The robot has a printed body, and to make things complete, it has omnidirectional wheels also printed with a 3D printer.
The bot can be customized, and its parts can be printed with almost any 3D printer.
Released under open-source license, the robot was designed for educational applications, and any update of its hardware and software is welcome. More than that, the whole files can be downloaded and modified to suit your needs.
With a printed body, you can control the bot with a microcontroller or a single board computer. In this example, the designer uses the Infocast (Chumby) little computer for hacking projects with a 3.5-inch media display.
Each wheel has attached a continuous rotation servo controlled by a Pololu Maestro 6 channel servo controller.
The project includes a WiFi connection to connect the bot on your smartphone, tablet or PC. Once connected, the robot can be controlled at a touch of the screen or using arrows from PC keyboard.
In conclusion, the Oddbot is a customizable robot platform that can host a wide range of sensors, and of course, it can be transformed to suit your requirements.
Here you can see the robot in action