A Step-by-Step Guide to Build Your Social Quadruped

Building a legged robot can be a pain in the ass. Luckily, I found this step-by-step guide with instructions, schemes, and code for a quadruped with 3D printed parts.

This custom build, from chombaw, uses an Arduino UNO, an HC-06 Bluetooth module, some Futaba S3003 standard servos, an ultrasonic sensor, and a few other electronic components to make this creature move on your floor.

The legged robot works in two modes: autonomous or remote controlled via the Bluetooth module. So, it is up your choice how to control the quadruped.

This quadruped feature, of course, four legs. Each leg has two degrees of freedom and walks using a crawling motion. Besides the actuators, all the pieces of the legs are 3D printed. That way, if you want to change the dimensions of your robot, you will modify the parameters of the STL file.

Arduino UNO is the brain of this plastic creature. The microcontroller makes the legs moves forward, backward, rotate left or rotate right. To make a wheeled robot move forward, for example, it’s very simple. For a legged robot, all the things go crazy. You have to move the legs so that the robot keeps its balance while moving in a certain direction.

You can see it in action in the video above, and find the complete guide at the link below.

The Social Quadruped | Instructables

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