Who wouldn’t want a custom tricopter? A tricopter is a simpler version of a quadcopter that uses only three propellers to fly.
Even a tricopter is less expensive to build and the battery last longer than any other type of multirotors, the rotorcrafts are not as popular as quadcopters. One of the reasons is the inevitably crash of the rotorcraft if a motor fails during the flight. Another reason is the lack of a step-by-step tutorial to build one of these.
Instructables user Toglefritz shows us in the minutest details how to build a tricopter using the HobbyKing KK2.1 flight controller and how to control it via Turnigy 6X radio transmitter.
The KK2.1 flight controller is the main piece of the drone designed to receive commands, monitor the sensors, and to control the motors.
If the drone has its own controller, the user has in its hands a six-channel radio transmitter with two control sticks and two toggle switches – the Turnigy 6X.
After you read the Instructables tutorial, you should be able to put all the pieces together and build a tricopter.