Build your own DIY Roomba-style robot vacuum cleaner

Do you want to build your DIY robot able to clean the floor of your house? The Instructables user MosfetN shows you what and how to build a cheap vacuum cleaner. In other words, you can build at home a custom robot with almost all features of a Roomba vacuum cleaner.

CleanBOT is a vacuum cleaner robot engineered to work in two different ways: vacuum or active mop. Concerning control, the robot works autonomously or remotely via an Android smartphone connected to a Bluetooth module.

In the Instructables tutorial, the user explains what tools, motors and other hardware parts to build the robot. There are also details about the vacuum cleaner system, how to build the active mop, few details about the battery, sensors and how to control the robot.

This project can be built easily and with minimum costs. Since the most parts used are collected from electronics garbage, the total cost of the project is significantly reduced. It has a total cost somewhere between $50 and $60.
The platform is equipped with various sensors such as sonar and IR proximity sensors.

The CleanBOT is based on a custom platform that can be modified to meet your individual needs. So, the robot can be expanded to include more applications or contracted accordingly to your needs and skills.

This is how the CleanBot works.


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