First switch on for Raspberry Pi? 7 reasons to use NOOBS
With the risk becoming obsessed by your Raspberry Pi, I give you seven reasons to use a friendly tool to start with.It is about Read More »
How to Make a Cheap Robot To Run on Irregular Surfaces
Sometimes a good and simple idea worth millions. This robot is built to run on irregular surfaces, as well as on regular surfaces.The heart of the …

My Work Colleague Is A Humanoid Robot
Industrial robots are intelligent machines designed to replace human workers in difficult working conditions or in repetitive tasks. While the …
Free 3D Modeling Software For 3D Printers – Computer, iPad and Browser
Will we one day be able to design and build all objects around us just at the touch of a button? With one machine, one software and a lot of ima …
How To Make a Rover Navigate with the Naza-M GPS Module (A Multi-Rotor Flight Controller)
This project is about how to build a video piloting vehicle using aircraft technology.For example, a quadcopter tilts and turn around its own axis …

What You Need To Know About RFduino, A Wireless Enabled Microcontroller
You have many options in terms of sensors, at least the same number of options in terms of electric motors, but you still don’t have a wide rang …
Fresh Releases: Kits, Sensors, Actuators and More
Now it’s time for some fresh kits, actuators, sensors, displays and batteries for a designer’s toolbox.
Insanely DIY Self-Driving Robot Car
This is how to build a DIY self-driving robot car with Raspberry Pi and OpenCV

New: Arduino M0 Pro, Orange Pi Mini, 4WD Bluetooth Controlled Smart Robot Car Kit, and More
Do you want to find what’s new in robotics? Here are the newest controllers, robot kits, sensors, modules and components to build robots.
Contr …
Genuino/Arduino MKR1000: Overview and How To Tutorials
In this article, we explore the key features and functions of the Genuino/Arduino MKR1000 board and take a look at two tutorials for the introduction of MKR1000 in the IoT field.