DiddyBorg is a 6WD Mobile Robot for Raspberry Pi
The DiddyBorg kit is like a Rolls Royce for the Raspberry Pi makers. And it’s not just becaus …
Fresh DIY Projects from The Internet
The DIY community is very dynamic, and some of the makers have showcased their projects. The projects explored below are not randomly chosen. All of the …
A Good Deal: Use the CanaKit ($62.95) and Get Started DIYing Anything with Raspberry Pi B+
CanaKit includes components such as the RPi Model B+, WiFi Dongle, 2.5A MicroUSB power supply, 8 GB MicroSD card, HDMI cable, case, and documentation
Good to Know: The Raspberry Pi Model B+ GPIO Diagram
An overview of the 40 pins GPIO header of the new Raspberry Pi Model B Plus that help you to interface the Pi to the real world
Hack an Electric Lawn Mower to Mow the Lawn While You Control It via Google
Recently, we featured a way to use a manual lawn mower …

How to build a 4WD RC ground vehicle
The process of building ground vehicles can be exciting and, at times, overwhelming. But always we can build things easier when we have inspiration. You …
How to Build a Raspberry Pi Zero Humanoid Robot with Java
A humanoid robot controlled by a Raspberry Pi Zero board is hard to design and require time and budget. This project is based on the Robotis Bioloid kit that comes with sensors and actuators.
How To Install ROS Melodic, rosserial, and more on Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspbian Buster)
How to install on Raspberry Pi 4: Raspbian Buster, ROS Melodic, enable SSH, Arduino IDE, rosserial, PyCharm IDE, and set up Virtual Network Computing(VNC).
How to use rosserial with two Arduinos and Raspberry Pi
Arduino is a great development board for reading data from various sensors and controlling the robot’s DC motors. Raspberry Pi is good at running ROS