It is becoming increasingly easier to build DIY robots and I have many reasons to believe this. Designing robots is the perfect hobby and now is the perfect time to start building your robot using some plastic, electronics, and programming lines. Using digital representation for robotic parts and a 3D printer, we can build in hours the desire humanoid robot.
Any human-like robot can be divided in different parts including fingers, arms, legs, chest, head, actuators, electronics, etc. A wide range of these components can be printed using a simple 3D printer together with ABS and PLA plastics. Other advantages using the printing process to build robotic components is the design. Any user can apply in this way a customized design.
In this article are available a series of free 3D digital models with humanoid parts like hands and legs, or complete humanoid robots like Inmoov projects.
Robot Cloning by DIY 3d printers
Face of human robot with 16 degree of freedom