Makers, hackers and hobbyists have long relied on robotic kits to learn and build interactive robots. This robot arm kit is helping programmers and electronics lovers to perfect their skills for industrial applications and promises all that for less money.
The kit aims to combine industrial activities with Arduino controller and DIY elements. It was created especially to simulate the palletizing activity with a robot arm.
The SainSmart company has produced over the years a variety of products like prototyping boards, sensors, motors, testing equipment, and more. With this new kit, the manufacturer aims to meet the demands of hobbyists and gives them the ability to build industrial-style applications.
The kit is available in two versions: one version with four axes and a complex one with six axes. If you’re looking insights into the design, you can discover three MG995 55G servo motors for the four-axis version and four MG996R servo motors for six-axis version. All these servo motors are used for active joints.
In the industrial area, any industrial robot (especially older generations) is not so sensible with the users. They are kept behind metal cages to protect humans from their power. In our case, the same safety protection measurements are not required, but even so, you have to pay attention to the arm during operation.
Using the Arduino microcontroller, you can adapt the project and learn how to work with microcontrollers.
The body components are CNC processed and built from PVC materials.
Since the kit comes in two versions, the prices are $119.42 for the version with four axes and $230.06 for the version with six axes.
Presentation of the DIY 4-Axis Servos Control Palletizing Robot Arm