How to Build a Wi-Fi Controlled RC Car with Wireless Charger Battery Circuit

Every week I learn so many new things about how to build robots. By thinking of various kinds of projects, by building robots, by reading new articles and tutorials. Of course, it can be overwhelming, but to me this is the best part of the blogging experience. By sharing and talking to other makers and hackers, my blog gets more interesting.

For example, in this new project, I can learn not just how to build a Wi-Fi controller mobile robot, but how to charge the battery wireless while the mobile platform is parked over the charging station.

The designer uses a simple wheeled chassis that can be bought at a reasonable price. On Amazon, a 2WD robot kit is priced at about $12.

The brain of the robot is the Arduino MKR1000. This board is designed for the IoT projects and has incorporated an on-board WiFi module, a hardware security module Cryptochip, and an SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32bit low power ARM MCU. Since the Arduino MKR1000 board features a charging system for Li-Po batteries, when an external source of power (5V DC) is connected to the board, the battery that is also connected to it is being charged.

Two hardware components are the key of the wireless charging circuit. One is the Qi 5W Transmitter and the other is the Qi 5W Receiver. The Qi 5W Receiver is connected to the Arduino board as an external source while the Qi 5W Transmitter will charge the battery when the car parks over the charging station.

The robot is controlled wirelessly as long as it is connected through Wi-Fi with your mobile device. The smartphone application is simple at uses standard button for controlling such as ‘Forwards’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’, ‘Backwards’, ‘Stop’, and two buttons for ‘Fast’ and ‘Slow’ the robot.

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Wi-Fi RC Car – Qi Enabled | Hackster

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