Who doesn’t love the BeagleBone Black and a good do-it-yourself project? We live in a maker culture where anyone can find out how to create anything in a matter of hours. Ben Martin shows us in a comprehensive tutorial how to control a robotic arm with BeagleBone Black in order to manipulate objects and perform several repetitive tasks.
With a Lynxmotion AL5D robot arm, a Serial Servo Controller (SSC-32) board, and the Beaglebone Black you’ll be able to build from scratch your DIY projects too.
The tutorial is structured in six main parts:
- Assembling the robot arm
- Attaching the Arm to the BeagleBone Black
- Set up the BeagleBone Black
- Moving the arm
- Completing Movements In Order
- Point and Click Movement
Follow Ben Martin DIY tutorial over here.