The letsmakerobots user Mosmas shows you how to build an autonomous robot developed with a Raspberry Pi A+ and controlled with a web application. Unfortunately, all instructions are available in German language and you have two options to understand how Mosmas build the robot: you have to know German language or using the Google Translate tool.
There are a lot of single board computers or microcontrollers you can use to build autonomous robots. The Raspberry Pi Model B+ or Arduino UNO are two of the most common prototyping platforms used to make robots able to follow a line, detect and avoid obstacles, etc. The Raspberry Pi Model A+ is also a great development board with a variety of features that can be used in the DIY area, but the board seems to stay in the shadows of its old brother – the Pi B+.
Back to the bot, it can move autonomously in a room, detect and avoid obstacles, and even can be programmed to follow a line.
The platform can host many more sensors and components for a wide range of applications. The designer didn’t choose by chance the Pi Model A+. The A+ model is featured with two hardware PWM outputs while the Model B+ has only one. The board operates independently two driven motors.
The web application has a simple interface that allows the user to start, stop, or shut down the robot. The connection between the robot and smartphone is wireless.
All instructions and resources to build this autonomous bot are detailed here.
See the PiBot-A robot in action