Basically, the kits provide us the future of robots right now, and using these is the chance to fill the space between learning basically technologies and applying these in the business of robotics. The robotics community is in a continuous growing stage with a lot of children, students, and adults able to break up the surface of the robots.
Is there any clear mission to be taken by robots? No. That’s why is so much space in the field of robotics kits able to learn about any robot type.
Mirobot is a new robot kit designed to be built and modified easily by everyone able to learn about mechanics, electronics, and how to program a robot. In the hands of hobbyists or children, this DIY wheeled kit opens the gates for Arduino projects powered by batteries, a new way of programming using a web browser, a fully hackable platform and 100% open-source.
I choose to write about Mirobot because it was designed with few keys in mind including here a low cost, is very easily to be assembled, it has a built-in WiFi module, it is programmable using a simple web browser, and is very easily to be modified even by a child. All these features make me think that the DIY WiFi robot can become a good ‘cooking book’ for those who try to understand how to prepare a robot for the big dinner.
The Mirobot is engineered for children, adults, and educators. All these three separate fields can use the same tool, a tool that can keep children engaged in programming, an adult engaged in electronics and programming, as well as for an educator that uses a multipurpose educational tool with a wide range of learning opportunities.
Table of Contents
The prototype was built using a customized chassis and several lasers cutting parts. Several other electronics are linked to a printed circuit board specially engineered to be used by users with less experience.
The design of the project removes any mystery of the structure. No secrets in mechanics, as well as no secrets in electronics and programming. The Mirobot has visible all the mechanism and anyone can see how the mechanism works in real-time and understand the functionalities of the robot.
Using Arduino was the right choice because there is a large community behind this microcontroller board, and you have available a large database with tutorials and examples how to add a sensor or how to control the stepper motors that power the wheels.
With an open-source platform, the wheeled kit can be modified with custom components and programmed to do what you want to do. Using drag-and-drop gesture, you can program the Mirobot to do simple tasks such as drawing a circle or any other geometric forms. Then, you can share with the community your program or to use any program available in the community.
You can program the Mirobot in at least two ways: using the visual programming tool from a web browser, or using the well-known Arduino programming tools. The GUI application is the default tool for programming and it works like the original LEGO programming platform. Using simple drag-and-drop gesture, you can build a program that moves the robot and draw several geometric forms or any other shapes.
Did you think that is useful this kit? I’m really curious to find your opinion about this prototyping kit.