Raspberry Pi 2 Kits Perfect for Pi-Devoted Beginners

The best thing about the Raspberry Pi 2 kits is that they allow you to learn and build robots fast just as quickly as you purchased them. You can have mobile robots, robot arms or even your humanoid robot.
Instead of searching through online stores to select what needs to build Raspberry Pi 2 robots, you can simply use one of these kits knowing exactly what you are doing. The learning and building curves are easier to climb, and the results are easier to compare.

More than that, you can have support and tutorials from the beginning to the end. We’ve searched through dozens of kits, and we selected six excellent Raspberry Pi 2 kits which you can use as a starting point to improve your skills or learn robotics.

  1. 4WD WIFI Cross-country Off-road Robot Smart Car Kit For Arduino Raspberry Pi at eBay, $129.00
  2. Sparki – The Easy Robot for Everyone at Adafruit, $159.95
  3. Abel 1.0 – DIY Robot Kit at Etsy, $140.00 plus shipping
  4. Getting Started Bundle at Barobo, $499.00
  5. MeArm at Mearm, £76.99
  6. Humanoid Endoskeleton Robot at eBay, $1,999.99



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