Disclaimer: This review consists of my own opinion. Gearbest sent me the Keyestudio TS – 50 Mini Bluetooth Tank Robot Smart Car Kit for this review, but otherwise I am receiving no compensation for this write-up.
An Arduino compatible robot tank is not hard to build. You can find tons of projects that show you how to build one at home from scratch. But, what if you want just to play with one? And less to cut wires, cut plywood, build tracks and so on. Well, a mini robot tank kit is the perfect solution. You just assemble the components and write the code. Then, just play, that’s all!
This Mini Tank Robot for Arduino is simple and doesn’t require degrees in electronics and programming to work with it. The kit includes sensors, electronics, batteries, the chassis and accessories that put together the components and parts. Currently, the price of the kit is $66 on GearBest (the kit has a discount of 46%).
I like to build autonomous and less remote controlled robots. This kit can handle both modes: autonomous and wireless control. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor can detect the obstacles while the tracks change the direction. The Bluetooth module is useful to control the robot with a smartphone or a tablet.
Because I assembled and tested the robot tank, below you can read my own opinion about it. For first, let’s starts with what I like and I don’t like at this mobile platform.
To not forget: I managed to fry the Arduino UNO clone at the second try. I just fried the board as I left the battery connected when installing the USB cable. Luckily, I replace it with an Arduino UNO, and the robot went perfectly.
Table of Contents
- easy to assemble (even without instructions)
- you have alternative for all the electronic parts
- the battery holder is 2×3.7V instead 4AA batteries which are more common in the DIY zone
- one tank tread was larger than the other (maybe a defect of the kit that was not intended)
- no tools to mount the kit
- poor documentation. This is a link to a video that last no more than 2 minutes.
Inside the box
For your $66, you get the Arduino UNO clone, the motor driver, an Arduino UNO compatible sensor shield, the chassis parts, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, two DC motors, battery holder, two 3.7V batteries, two tracks, a Bluetooth module, and other accessories and components.
The complete list is here:
The chassis
I like the chassis. The metallic components are durable and feature a lot of holes for additional parts and components.
The controller
I don’t have too much to add here. The controller is an Arduino UNO clone. This is good since you can replace it with a genuine Arduino UNO. But just in case you have problems. Otherwise, the Keyestudio UNO R3 Controller make its job to control the motors and sensors.
If you already play with an Arduino board, you have all you need to program this robot. You can use the Arduino IDE to upload sketches into the controller.
Building the robot tank
It was fun to build this mini robot tank. Sometimes, the lack of documentation makes you think as a designer/engineer and less as a hobbyist.