A hexapod robot is a really attractive device to build, especially if you’re a Raspberry Pi and Arduino user. These robots can operate at relatively high speeds on a variety of terrains, but the fun part is when the robot explores rough terrains. Of course, it’s also a fun project, and you can build this one at home with a 3D printer and some DIY skills.
OZER has a modular structure with 3D printed parts. All these parts are available to download for free. Both the code and hardware are open source, so you can use it with different components.
This DIY hexapod is still in work and it’s at the first version. This first version is able to perform only the basic operations for a legged robot such as standing and walking. The main objective is to have a fully functional all-terrain robot at a low price, easy to build, assemble and controlled.
The robot structure is made of 3D printed PLA and ABS parts. The hexapod is so resistant that the designers claim to dropped it from a high of 1.5 meters with the legs in standing position. The Arduino Mega board controls the walking and turning functionalities of the robot, while the Raspberry Pi board communicates with the user and the rest of the hardware components.
Check the link below for the guide, hardware parts and all the code needed to make the legged robot to walk. OZER is a great project for Arduino and Raspberry Pi makers, whether you are a newbie at electronics projects or an experienced user.
OZER Hexapod V-0.1 Open-Hardware, Modular 3D Printed Robot Using Raspberry Pi | Libremechanics