Finding clever solutions for your Raspberry Pi SD card such as backup, restore, or go further and customize or clone the memory card isn’t easy, but Matt Hoskins was coming up with useful command lines and scripts solutions.
The Raspberry Pi is a well-liked board and exists in every room of Linux makers and hackers. The fruit-name board is powerful enough to run a full version of Linux, and this is one of the features that make it so popular. More than that, the single board computer is useful to connect a wide range of hardware and is always ready to run the programmer’s tasks. But till the first application, even if you’re not a Linux or electronics expert, you have to manipulate the SD memory card for a ready-to-use operating system.
That process requires command lines and a lot of Linux fundamentals. If you’re ready to start building your backup, restore, or to clone the memory card and customize the image of your Raspberry Pi SD card, check this links.