The toy car hacked into a robot with steering wheels
Hacking a toy car shouldn’t be as easy as hacking a computer. As you’ve no doubt, the toy car hacked by the user paulpp644 is a computer with wheels. You need to have a simple electric toy car and some experience with Arduino, DC motors and programming.
There’s a lot of cool stuff you can do with a smart car. But the idea extracted from this project is to have a programmable robot car controlled by an Arduino board.
Besides the toy car, you need extra components to remote control the vehicle including a motor driver, two DC motors, and batteries.
The motor driver used in this project is the L293D. The dual H-Bridge motor driver can control the rotation of two DC motors. In this project the motor driver controls a motor to move the car while another motor is used to control the steering.
The Arduino Mega provides enough power to control the robot. More than that, the board is equipped with 54 digital input/output pins and 16 analog inputs. In this case, you can attach to the robot car sensors and other accessories compatible with the Arduino microcontroller.
As we can see in the video presentation of the project, the car is controlled remotely. For more details you can check the paulpp644 post that tells you more about how the car was made.
This is how the hacked toy car is working