The Hexy is one of the most advanced hexapod robotic kits and is built by ArcBotics. A hexapod robot includes several expensive components such as servos and controller. When they build the Hexy robot, they also try to cut the costs of the robot, and it seems to works. But it works compared with other hexapod projects since the Hexy costs $250, which is not such a cheap robotic kit.
If you were unboxing the kit, you would find components for six legs with 19 servo motors attached, the Arduino microcontroller, an ultrasonic sensor, a Bluetooth module, and several other parts needed to have a functional legged robot.
The kit is designed to bring some challenge for students or DIY enthusiasts that work with open-source platforms. With its legs, the ArcBotics hexapod can be useful for applications in advanced robotics and kinematics. More than that, the same platform can be used for entertainment. How? The robot has already demo moves pre-installed and in minutes it should be ready to walk, play and dance.
If the robot is the base, the documentation is the Holy Grail. And yes, the kit comes with a comprehensive documentation, and if anyone tries to dig deep in the functionality, there are available a series of tutorials from where users can learn how to use the kit features.
Since the Hexy is designed as an open-source project, all files are available here.